Getting Involved

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Volunteering at HackRVA

All HackRVA members are awesome. Making new cool projects is paramount. But some members want to get involved in the making of HackRVA itself, adding "making the space" to their catalog of achievements. If that's you, you're in the right place.

Dare rise to the challenge of VOLUNTEER! Whether you're a ball of white hot energy, inspired by the noble idea of makerspaces, or just plain crazy, we're glad to have you. Below are some ways to get involved.

Sign Up for a Week of Volunteer Duty

One of the best ways to volunteer is to sign-up for a week's duty on the volunteer spreadsheet. These are the jobs that need constant attention. Whether it's greeting potential new members on Thursday Night Open Houses, taking out the trash, or being a Steward of the FabLab or TechLab. These are the jobs that keep the space running nice and smooth as well as offer opportunity to improve upon the existing.

Other Sweet Volunteer Activities

  • Improve the Wiki (just create an account, and start adding useful info)
  • Participate in a hackathon (every Saturday, see the calender for times, typically 1pm-6pm)
  • Socialize during open house (Thursday nights)
  • Lead a workshop (contact us and we'll set you up with meetup and assist with lesson plans if needed)
  • Start a new event (again, contact us, and we'll give you the social media tools to advertise)
  • Research and recommend a purchase (add them to our acquisitions spreadsheet (link needed))
  • Complete a project
  • Post a project to the maker blog (anyone at hackrva can be a blogger, just ask and we'll give you access)