2015 Tricopter Signup Email
What do I do now?
- RSVP to the event on Meetup
- Purchase the electronics parts using this BOM: http://www.hackrva.org/wiki/index.php?title=2015_Tricopter_Build#BOM. Remember that these must be shipped, so get this order in ASAP.
- Pay the event fee of $40 on Meetup, to secure your Frame Kit, which will be delivered at the event.
- Show up, build, fly!
How much is it total?
One hundred and eighty US dollars.
- $40 for the frame kit
- $130 for electronics parts that you must order
- <$10 for shipping
What is the website?
We are documenting the build here (currently a work in progress):
Is there a package already put together?
Sort of. We are suppling a "frame kit" which includes all of the parts needed to build the tricopter frame and assemble the electronics. We are *not* supplying the electronics, which must be purchased separately, as mentioned above.
The frame kit includes:
- 3 14" Booms ("arms")
- 6 tabs for securing wires inside booms
- 2 Center plates
- 2 Battery / Electronics plates
- 3 Legs
- 1 Tilt mechanism
- 3' power wire (positive and negative leads, 12 AWG)
- 2' servo wire
- Foam for mounting flight controller
- Hardware
- Zipties
- Wire shrink-wrap
- something else
What else do I need?
To keep costs down, the build does not include a transmitter, receiver, or battery charger. These units are being purchased collectively and will be owned by Hack.RVA, and will be shared among participates for this build. Some participants are electing to purchase their own transmitter, receiver, and/or battery charger.
When will we fly?
Once most of the copters are ready to go, we'll identify a nearby park or public school and go there to fly. I can do a quick test of each copter in our parking lot before we head out to the field, but I'm going to ask that no one else fly there unless you can demonstrate previous RC experience and understand the liability implications of flying in close proximity to vehicles and private property.
Anything else that you can think of?
Many things! Throughout the build day, I'm going to be running videos which talk various RC topics including safety and etiquette, how to fly, cameras and video systems, and notable multicopter projects.
Light snacks and beverages will be provided.