Kramers tricopter step by step
Kramer's documentation of his build
- got a little lazy at the end of day 1
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<head> <ownerEmail>[email protected]</ownerEmail> </head> <body> <outline text="Tricopter Build" > <outline text="Legs" > <outline text="sanded Legs" /> <outline text="Assemble Motors " > <outline text="attach the bottom braket" > <outline text="get counter sink side correct" /></outline> </outline> <outline text="Attach 2 non-servo motors to legs" > <outline text="opposite side of screw holes" /> <outline text="align wires with opening" /> <outline text="use small cutout to enclose wires within leg slot" > <outline text="could glue" /></outline> <outline text="zip tie in place" /> <outline text="Photo One" /></outline> <outline text="Zip tie and connect speed control" > <outline text="will need to determine direction after build by running the motor and noting direction so don't make permanent" /> <outline text="photo 2" /></outline> <outline text="drill and file 3D printed gimble mount" > <outline text="use a screw and glue the end to make gimble pivot" /> <outline text="photo 3" /> <outline text="use super glue" /></outline> <outline text="screw motor on 3D printed mount" > <outline text="may need to drill to fit" /> <outline text="align wires away from base end" /> <outline text="photo4" /></outline> <outline text="Attach servo" > <outline text="use drill to reverse counter sink screw hole to get a flush connection" /> <outline text="cut two edges of servo star to fit" /> <outline text="ensure full range of motion and attach star to servo" /> <outline text="superglue to gimble" /> <outline text="photo5" /></outline> <outline text="Attach gimble and servo to leg" > <outline text="Found out I made a mistake in how the wires were aligned with cutout on leg" > <outline text="inscrewed and screwed" /></outline> <outline text="use zip ties" /> <outline text="used super glue for spacer after zip tie" /> <outline text="photo6" /></outline> <outline text="zip tie and connect speed controller" /></outline> <outline text="Put the screws in a center piece and attach legs putting the gimbled leg in the center" > <outline text="use shorter 1 1/4 inch screw on inside for gimbled leg" /> <outline text="attach so that the motors face down and the wires are accesable " /> <outline text="photo7" /></outline> <outline text="connect wires together in middle using solder and speaker wire" > <outline text="pigtail all negative and positive from the speed controllers" > <outline text="cut and strip black and red wires " /> <outline text="cut and strip speaker wire" /> <outline text="cut shrink wrap and solder wire red to red black to black" /> <outline text="photo8" /> <outline text="lighter for shrink wrap" /> <outline text="combine all neg and wire to neg for final wire" /> <outline text="do the same for pos" /> <outline text="don't forget skrink wrap(large)" /></outline> <outline text="Extend all control wires " > <outline text="only the white wire from the two legs without the gimble" /> <outline text="all three from the gimble" /> <outline text="leave about 4 inches past the hole through the center section to the top" /> <outline text="takes a while; don't forget the shrink wrap" /></outline> <outline text="attach the top plate" > <outline text="I messed up the side I soldered the large wires and had to flip the legs to make the bottom plate the top" /> <outline text="photo11" /> <outline text="photo10" /></outline> </outline> </outline> </body>