Welcome errant traveler....
Role at HackRVA
I currently serve as the Director of Communications and Planning. I also do the workshop planning for now until we find a director for education. I formerly served as the president from 2013-2015 until we reorganized to a broader directorship format. If you ever need help with hackrva issues, I can probably help - or point to someone that can.
I write a lot of blog posts, update the website & wiki, upload pictures, and stuff like that. If you want to work on that stuff, PLZ contact me - always need more, and its one of those jobs few want to do but is important!
Projects of Note
- Hack the Dragon - Phone Adventure Game (script writer)
- R-pi Arcade (CAD, CNC, and assemble cabinet)
- BARC Jeep (Documentation, some mechanical trouble shooting)
- FlipBit(partnered with Dustin, Neal, and Michael) (article)
- CNC Paper Cut Maps
- Action Packed Furniture (there was also a spinning coffee table at one time)
- FitzKits (volunteer on startup - cad work, prototyping kids)
- CNC Blacksmith Hammers (CNC and CAD Design - volunteer skill trade)
These are workshops I have taught or co-taught. CAD Dojo is the ongoing one I do the most.
These are some of the more notable maker related events I've been involved in. So dang many events....
- VMFA TeenStylin'(kit builder and in-class assistant)
- C3's Talk20 (gave talk about HackRVA)
- AltFest (HackRVA - table jockey)
- RVA Makerfest 2015 (organizer & solder instructor)
- RVA Makerfest 2014 (organizer & solder instructor)
- Hampton Roads Maker Faire 2014 (HackRVA - table jockey)
- Hampton Roads Maker Faire 2013 (FredHack - table jockey)
- NYC Maker Faire 2012 (FredHack - table jockey)
- Motorama Combat Robots 2012 (judge)
- San Francisco Combat Robots World Championships 2008 (pit-crew)
Articles / Around the Web
These are articles I've written and some other maker related webby stuff.
- Heat Sealable Pack Cloth on "Cool Tools"
- Flap Disks on "BoingBoing"
- Unimat on "Cool Tools"
- HackRVA on "Circuit Cellar"
These are crowdfunds I've been involved in.
- CNC Router for HackRVA (co-principal with Michael)
- littleBits with RVA Maker Guild (copy)
- FitKits (marketing)
- AutoCAD
- CamBam (cnc software)
- CNC Router
- Laser Cutting
- Grinding and Cutting Metal
- Blogging
- Documentation
- General Writing
- Organizing Stuff
- Almost Finishing Projects
- Soldering
- General Power Tools
- Basic Wood Working
- Welding
- Blacksmithing
- Wordpress
- Arduino
- Robot Stuff
- Crowdfunding
- Internet Marketing
- R-pi
- Unity (game development)
- Linux
- General Coding
- Electronics
- PodCast Stuff
- Car Stuff