PCB Assembly Bootcamp
[Reproduction Game Carts Specific Information/Tutorial]
PCB / Circuit Board Design CAD Tools [KiCad] (popular, free, and opensource) [Eagle CAD] (probably the most popular with hobbyist, board size limitation is a con)
Small Batch PCB Ordering
[iTead Studios] (pros: cheap, good reputation | cons:long lead time since it comes from china)
[OSHpark] (pros: reliable, high quality, faster delivery | cons: expensiver)
section on creating PCB
tools list: helping hands, panavice, board holder jig things, hacko soldering iron and link ot ada fruit how to, hacko desoldering gun, chip pullers ?
links to youtube videos on: soldering, desoldering, drag method, hot air reflow, chip quick, jigs, pogo pins
link to places to buy chips - digikey specificically, mouser, etc - and the "quanity sort method" www.buyicnow.com
link to places to sell hardware - tindy, dragon, kickstarter
link to overview of small batch hardware uptick - long tail, etc
link to successful products and their stories