Ultimaker 3

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During (and after) operation you can see the Ultimaker's progress through its built-in webcam at ultimaker.hackrva.org

The Ultimaker 3 is a dual extrusion thermoplastics 3d printer capable of working with a variety of materials.

Ultimaker has very good documentation on their website and also provide a pdf user manual for the Ultimaker 3.

Ultimaker 3 Safety

Remove the glass print bed from the machine before attempting to remove prints from the print bed.

Follow Ultimaker's instructions for loading/unloading filament and installing/removing print cores.

It is essential that the correct filament is selected in Cura to match what is in the Ultimaker. That sets the temperature and other parameters. If it is wrong, it can cause serious damage! The filament should be labeled on the side of its reel.

Please read through Ultimaker's provides safety information for the Ultimaker 3.

What do I do if I screw something up?

If your print fails, abort it on the Ultimaker 3 or via software and then follow the build removal directions.

If you clog a print core

Follow Ultimaker's directions for unclogging a print core. If this is successful you can continue printing. Please still post to the slack channel mentioned below so we can keep track of these things.

If Ultimaker's directions are unsuccessful, remove the print core. If there is a replacement print core available you may install the replacement and continue printing. Put a tape tag on the clogged print core and write on the tape tag with a sharpie that it is clogged and your email address. The 3D printer maintainers will periodically make efforts to clean clogged print cores. If the print core cannot be returned to service you may be charged for a replacement.

Post a message to the #3dprinting channel on the hack.rva Slack. Say that you clogged a print core, what steps you have taken, and what your end result is.

Software for the Ultimaker 3

The Ultimaker 3 communicates with print software via TCP/IP. It is currently on hack.rva's wifi network. Ethernet should be run to it in the future. You can load prints to the Ultimaker 3 via Cura or the Ultimaker 3 mobile app. Ultimaker provides installation instructions for Cura.

Material Compatibility of Ultimaker 3

Ultimaker sells their own filament, which is equiupped with NFC tags which the Ultimaker 3 reads. This is used for loading the correct print parameters into Cura and tracking filament usage. We recommend you use Ultimaker material unless you already know what you're doing. You can purchase it from Printed Solid.

The Ultimaker 3 and Cura allow the use of almost any commercially available 3D printing filament with a nominal diameter of 2.85 mm. This is sometimes called 3 mm filament. If you use material from other manufacturers you will need to manually inform the Ultimaker 3 what kind of filament it is when loading and ensure the proper parameters are in Cura before printing. Printed Solid sells quality filament from Ultimaker, colorFabb, taulman3D, Proto-Pasta, and NinjaFlex. Filastruder sells filament from E3D, including scaffold, a support material which dissolves in water and Edge, a high quality, easy to print material. Filastruder also sells taulman3D. Be aware that most taulman3D filament comes on smaller diameter spools than other manufacturers. These spools do not fit on the Ultimaker 3. If you want to use taulman3D filament you'll need to either manually wind it on another spool or make some kind of self-standing spool holder.

DO NOT USE ABRASIVE MATERIAL IN THE ULTIMAKER 3. This will wear the print nozzle and ruin the print core. If you are unsure, ask on the #3dprinting channel on the hack.rva Slack.

Startup and Calibration

Build Setup

There are two types of print cores (ref):

  • Type AA: for printing build materials and Ultimaker Breakaway material
  • Type BB: for printing water-soluble support material

Build Removal

Remove the glass print bed from the machine before attempting to remove prints from the print bed. Allowing the print bed to cool completely should make removing prints easier. If they are still difficult to remove.