Welcome to This Page Errant Traveler
Role at HackRVA
I currently serve as the Director of Communications and Planning. I also do the workshop planning for now until we find a director for education. I formerly served as the president from 2013-2015 until we reorganized to broader directorships. If you ever need help with hackrva issues, I can probably help - or point to someone that can.
I write a lot of blog posts, update the website & wiki, upload pictures, and stuff like that. If you want to work on stuff like that PLZ contact me - always need more of that!
Projects of Note
FlipBit (partnered with Dustin, Neal, and Michael) (article,website FitzKits (volunteer on startup - cad work, prototyping kids)
Articles / Around the Web
CNC Router for HackRVA littleBits with RVA Maker Guild more FitKits (marketing)
I contribute to running HackRVA and serve as president for our non-profit (2013-?). I helped design the flipbit, fitzkits, and a bunch of other random maker projects.
Lately I'm learning Unity with the group here and working to get our facilities improved. I'm also interested in getting a robot built for the space.
Skillz - CNC, 3D Printing, CAD Drafting (AutoCAD mostly), Power Tools, Welding, Blacksmithing (sort of), Wordpress, Blogging, organizing stuffs, almost finishing projects.