CAD Dojo

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The CAD Dojo uses repetition and scaffolding in a video-game inspired level system to drill students on common commands for drawing in AutoCAD. It skips much of the UI and overall explanation of the CAD environment instead focusing on getting students quickly drawing. Afterwards, they can use the internet or youtube tutorials to pick up the filler information as needed.

The CAD Dojo training is self-contained in a single .DXF. You can download it and start the Trial of Boxes, then move on to the 10 Student Tribulations, picking up valuable CAD skills along the way in this “game-a-fied” take on CAD training.


Here's a link to the .dxf file for yellow belt.

CAD Dojo - Basic Command List'

AL - Align

CH - Chamfer

CI - Circle

CO - Copy

E - Erase

EXT - Extend

FI - Fillet

MI - Mirror

M - Move

PL - Polyline

REC - Rectangle

RO - Rotate

SC - Scale

TEXT - Test Box

TR - Trim

X - eXplode

Z - Zoom

PRO - Properties (opens a properties panel)</nowiki>

Other Settings/Stuff:

ORTHO ON/OFF - button at bottom screen that locks 90 degree angels

SNAP ON/OFF - button at bottom of screen that turns on snaps

SNAP MENU - drop down on snap button that lets you set different snap points to active

DYNAMIC INPUT ON/OFF - turn this off if you don't want a bunch of junk on screen

OPTIONS -> SELECTION Tab -> "Lasso" checkbox - uncheck this, most annoying default ever

Mouse wheel rolling zooms in and out.

Mouse wheel hold makes it easy to pan.

Left click to pick. (selection box left to right for "inside box", right to left for "all touching box"

Right click for other stuff.